Rich Maloney | February 16, 2023

How important is the role of your support network when building confidence in a Quality Mind program?

The Problem with Online Life Coaching Groups

The number one problem with many online life coaching groups is the inability to keep the group together and to make sure that the participants connect. At Quality Mind, we’ve faced this dilemma as well, so we actively sought to create a cohesive and engaging community with the help of technology and a well-thought-out strategy.

Quality Mind program is designed to help individuals build confidence and achieve their personal goals. However, with the majority of the program being online, it can be challenging to stay motivated and on track. That’s where the support network comes in. (Ativan)

Building a Cohesive and Engaging Community at Quality Mind Through Support Groups

A support network is a group of individuals who are also going through the Quality Mind program. They work together to understand and accomplish the tasks throughout the week. This open forum for team members helps the life coaches to respond with their opinions, experiences, etc. and is an essential part of the program. It allows participants to see how others are experiencing the program, ask questions, and realise that they are not alone in their struggles with the concepts.

Weekly Sessions and Group Chat for Progress Sharing

The weekly sessions with the life coach and the ground chat on WhatsApp provide a platform for participants to share their results, work they’ve done, answers they made, and questions they have, and receive feedback and support from their team members.

Although much of the program is self-paced and can be done through the QM app, we realise that not all days are the same. Every once in a while, our participants need a little much, some inspiration to keep going. The support network is not just a group of people to help you complete the program. They are there to congratulate and support you when you achieve a breakthrough or a big milestone. The team members also rely on each other to be that shoulder to lean on, that rock (support) to help them get through the course.

Providing Accountability to Stay Committed and On Track

The Quality Mind program challenges individuals to change and shift their behaviour, which is hard for anyone to do. Having a support network can make a significant difference in building confidence and staying motivated throughout the program. With everyone on the same journey at the same time, participants are all in it together and want to complete the self-activation course together.

The support group also acts as an accountability platform for the participants helping them be accountable in the context of other participants. When you know that you have a group of people counting on you to complete the program, you’re more likely to stay committed and on track.

Building Lasting Connections beyond the Program

Importantly, the support network doesn’t only exist during the program. The connections and relationships built during the program can last beyond it. Having a group of people who understand your journey and can continue to support you after the program can be incredibly valuable.

Not just personally but in the professional domains, we’ve seen the participants uplift each other by lending support, opportunities, and an invaluable network for a lifetime ahead.

If you’re considering the Quality Mind program, be sure to take advantage of the support network and everything it has to offer. Embrace the connections, ask questions, share your experiences, and rely on your team members for support. Together, you can achieve your personal goals and build the confidence you need to succeed.

In conclusion, the role of the support network is crucial when building confidence in a Quality Mind program. It provides participants with the necessary support, feedback, and motivation to achieve their personal goals. Building a strong support network and working together can make all the difference in completing the program and achieving success.

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