Augustine Chioma Affam, PhD.

L1 Licenced Mind Mentor, Victoria, Australia

Augustine has lived the greater part of his life working as a teacher, lecturer, scientist and researcher to be eventually awarded the Australian Global Talent Independent Award 2022.

He has now transitioned to become a Mind Mentor having several life experiences. He has successfully supervised undergraduate, postgraduate and industry linked students. He has served as an editor and reviewed works for more than 50 international journals. He has also completed research grants and published over 80 scientific refereed articles, books and book chapters in Journals and international conference proceedings.

Through the years, working with students on projects, managing their emotions and disappointments, via rejections and failures in academic pursuit and in some cases combined with troubled relationships of his supervised students. Finding himself in their midst has made him try to unsettle their problems so they could continue their work and study to enable them gain meaningful careers for living. The support to the young and elderly ones on his journey has been strengthened by the cross cultural experiences of living in Nigeria, Malaysia and Australia. These have made a remarkable difference in his life.

Having carried out intensive research, being a university sports coach, business enthusiast and entrepreneur; a healthy social life with his community, intersect with his daily life and positively boost his personality especially to provide concerted support to those who need to be the best version of themselves. On his life experiences like anyone, he has had difficulty growing up with little to live on when his parents lost their jobs simultaneously. This event happened in a community of ten of thousands of workers and so many families got destroyed as a result of it. He got real life cases, survival approaches as well as lessons to share with individuals and families that maybe experiencing that today. He has had challenges during his elementary school and PhD research journeys and surmounted it. This could be helpful to those who study and for life issues in general. Lessons from moving from one continent to another with his family and how they managed to get through it all. These are all valuable and would help anyone facing challenges today.

He has found himself to posses a gift of listening. A profitable skill for a Mind Mentor. This gives Augustine the opportunity to gather more information in order to provide better advice and support to people for both family life, work and social gatherings. He has the passion of genuinely helping others to enable them discover who and what they are meant for in their lives irrespective of current situation. He clearly says that others’ success gives him total joy and happiness as well as motivation to continue helping. This principle has now brought him eventually to Quality Mind as a spring board to respond to his natural calling.

If life challenges and gives you Lemon, make a Lemonade. The essence of Quality Mind platform is to get you quicker out of any stressed and depressing situation in order to live happily and fulfill your life desires.

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