Quality Mind’s Transformative
Coaching for a Better You

Have you ever felt stuck or unfulfilled, as though life is passing you by without any clear direction or purpose? Transformational coaching could be the catalyst you need for profound personal growth. Our transformative coaching helps you guide important life changes like career transitions, gain clarity, develop a stronger sense of self, and create a meaningful path forward. It aims to change rigid thinking, resistance to growth, how you perceive yourself, and how you interact with others.

Furthermore, by working with our transformational coach, you can experience profound mindset shifts for radical change, enabling you to navigate life's transitions with grace.

The QM Coaching Program embodies this approach. It's not just about surface-level changes; it's about delving deep into your core beliefs and integrating mind, body, and & spirit for wholeness—a holistic path to personal growth.

Break Free from Limiting Beliefs with Quality Mind

Guaranteed Results with a Refund Option

Proven Techniques for Holistic Transformative Life Shifts

Inclusive and Affordable One-Stop System.

5-star reviews growth tracking scorecard

Who Is This Coaching For?

Transformational Life Coaching goes beyond mere incremental adjustments—it's about catalysing significant, life-changing progress. People who start this transformative journey often achieve more than they expect, greatly enriching their personal and professional lives. This journey usually leads to profound personal and professional breakthroughs. Here’s why embracing a transformational life coach is pivotal:

  • Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed

    Just as a driver uses a rearview mirror to avoid accidents, a skilled QM coach helps you recognise and address the behavioural patterns sabotaging your success. Consider Jason, a self-employed doctor in his 30s who felt overwhelmed by unfinished projects. Through QM coaching, he discovered his fear of inadequacy, which led him to abandon projects prematurely. As Einstein wisely said, "Repeating the same actions and expecting different outcomes is purely insane."
  • Navigating Life's Transitions with Grace

    Life is a journey with a destination. If you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling lost and unsure of which path to take, a QM Transformational Life Coach acts as your GPS. This guidance is very helpful because it helps you avoid unnecessary distractions and ensures that each step brings you closer to your goals.
  • Shattering Limiting Paradigms

    Tony Robbins once said, "80% of success is psychology, 20% is mechanics." By working on your psychological framework, you enhance your capacity to tackle bigger challenges and seize greater opportunities. A QM Transformational Life Coach helps you improve your mental and emotional well-being, boosting your performance and resilience.
  • Profound Mindset Shifts for Radical Change

    How often have you told yourself you'd do something tomorrow, only to postpone it again? Self-accountability is tough. A QM coach helps you stay accountable and reach your goals more efficiently.
  • Who Value Unbiased Feedback

    It's often hard to take advice from family, friends, or colleagues due to perceived biases. A QM coach provides unbiased, honest feedback that is crucial for your growth. 'A coach is someone who challenges you to become the best version of yourself.'
  • Finding Purpose and Meaning after Major Life Transitions

    Changing your life is challenging. As you begin to act, think, and behave differently, you might feel that "this is not me." Yet, this unfamiliar territory is where your best self resides. A transformational life coach fearlessly guides you through the uncomfortable process of change. They are the unwavering source of encouragement, always believing in you, sometimes even more than you believe in yourself.

What Makes Quality Mind Different?

Reduces & Removes

  • Rigid Thinking
  • Unfulfilled Potential
  • Negative Perspective
  • Fear of Change
  • Inconsistency
  • Resistance to Growth
  • Closed Mindset
  • Uncertainty
  • Self Sabotage
  • Stuck in a Rut
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Negative Thought Patterns
  • Burnout and Imbalance







  • Personal Transformation
  • Profound Calling
  • Influential Leadership
  • Inner Wisdom
  • Laser-Focus
  • Goal Setting
  • Career Transitions
  • Self-confidence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Finding Purpose
  • Life's Transitions
  • Self Talk
  • Time Management

What Our Clients Say

I'm thoroughly enjoying the Quality Mind course. I've seen significant improvements in my mindset and productivity. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to enhance their mental well-being and personal growth.

F Kay

My Quality Mind journey came at a time in my life when I needed the guidance and support for a new way of living, of seeing things. Quality Mind helped me take control of my thoughts and emotions, and helped me create a new reality. I feel empowered, and powerful. I appreciate the lessons given by Rich and Edwin, and I love the insights and stories of the people in my crew. I look back at the past six months that we've been meeting weekly, and I can marvel at the progress I have made becoming a better version of myself. I am grateful for Quality Mind.

Rheea Prudente

Richard is inspirational, he brings complex subjects and keeps it simple, easy to understand, practical and actionable. My recent concluded programme has helped me to learn many concepts and improve few areas that needed attention. I would recommend anyone to be part of the programme so you can activate your dreams.


My Quality Mind journey has been phenomenal. Although the main course has finished and the reconnect sessions almost complete, the Quality Mind guidance and teachings continue to be part of my daily practice and to help me through tough times in my life. I recommend this journey to anyone. Thank you Adele Hartland, my mind mentor, for your amazing teaching and investment in our well being!! 💜💜

Susan Dey

Over the last 26 weeks, I have been on a roller coaster of emotions, but finishing now knowing I have the control to live a happy and fulfilled life, and it’s all controlled by how I’m thinking, feeling and acting from those thoughts. What doesn’t work can be changed because I can change it 🌟 thanks Rich & Quality Minds team

Nicole Goncalves

I’m 2 weeks into the program and can already see such a huge shift! Bruce my coach has been fantastic in helping the process.
I can’t believe how much I was living in my child mind and I’m starting to notice it more and more and now have the tools within the app to help change my way of thinking into Master. Can’t wait to see how my growth continues

Profit First

This program has been life changing for our family. To be able to give ourselves and our children a concrete way to stop going down the rabbit holes of over thinking or worrying about the past and future, to work through meltdowns with the kids…there really are no words to describe what that has done for us. The meditations have helped me find my feet and remain centred, and there isn’t a night the kids don’t ask for one to fall asleep to. For the first time in a long time, the future looks bright and I’m excited to see what lies ahead with the rest of this program. Thank you for helping us thrive!

Jen Wallace

I can’t speak highly enough of my Quality Mind experience. Engaged mentors and a supporting APP, which has it all to make your life changing journey seamless and constructive. I had lost the true connection with my inner self, my family and my goals. Now slowly but surely, piece by piece I’ve been able with the help of my mentor Leigh Stafford and Quality Mind, conquer my many limiting beliefs and look deep inside to make the important changes to live with a quality mind. Onwards and upwards with Quality Mind!

josh rodder

Love my time with Quality Mind Global. It's helped improve my life immensely!

Hayden Burt

Quality Mind worked for me almost immediately.. The standard chitter chatter that used to evolve in my brain, from the tiniest little things, into something major - have literally gone! I can't believe the life I allowed myself to live when it wasn't even there. It's amazing how our minds can work - I now feel released! The tools we are given are so easy and they really do work! Thanks SO much Rich and Kirrilee and also the amazing crew that grew with me along the way - what a journey!

Erin Powell

Quality Mind isn’t just a programme, it is a way of life! It has and continues to be life changing, not only for me, but also for my friends, family and clients. Powerful tools that you learn, apply and integrate into your life. It has helped me find and overcome limiting beliefs that were holding me back from truly living the life of my dreams. I am now excited for everyday because I know see and feel every moment as a gift and one step further in fulfilling both my purpose and potential.

Adele Hartland

Bruce Wilson is an amazing mentor who serves as our guide in our quest to create the best new version of ourselves. I highly recommend Quality Mind as a format to a new awareness of yourself and your potential and Bruce Wilson as a wise and skilled mentor. In addition to a powerful format and a great guide in Bruce, the group dynamics of the “crew” built on trust and openness to vulnerability is an amazing experience. The group becomes a family that is supportive and loving.

Barbra Bryan

I found Quality Mind at the right time in my life and it really helped me to gain greater awareness personal awareness and get clarity around my real purpose and vision for my life. My Mind Mentor Nat was great to work with and had wonderful examples and applications of the program that Nat had seen in her experience as a Mind Mentor. Completing the Quality Mind program was a real pivot point in my life and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have done it and taken away so many amazing learnings and tools that I still use to this day.


I can highly recommend the Quality Mind program! I am a professional boxer and I started working with Richard heading into my last fight which was for the World Title. I found the Quality Mind program so beneficial and I stepped into the ring with a level of self belief and focus that I have never felt before! Richard is a champion bloke who really cares for his clients and achieves great results.

Jason Moloney

I have been doing quality mind for 5 months now. It has been a great experience and I have grown within myself so much. Quality Mind gives you the tools to deal with overwhelm and Limiting Beliefs. I can say 5 months in by using the tools I have given I can workout the gift and blessings in situations that I used to find annoying. I heal my self, and change my thinking creating better relationships in my life, feeling fulfilled and happy. Trusha is my Quality Mind Mentor and she is amazing. I recommended this programme to anyone who wants to improve them selfs, there life’s and what they attract.

Kieron Edwards

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Become the Best Version of You!

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9 questions to uncover your strengths and challenges in mind, body, and soul.

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Fill out the survey before, mid and after the program.

Striving For

Our programs align body, mind, and soul for increased passion, energy, and confidence.

Balancing Mental, Physical, Spiritual & Emotional Health

  • Custom Client Mobile Phone App
  • Secure Coach Backend Dashboard
  • Comprehensive 12-Week Program
  • Incorporates Advanced Neuroscience Techniques
  • Free Transform Program Class
  • Real-Time Coaching and Monitoring

Enhance Your Experience with Every Session

Our Transformational coaching programme has been meticulously designed to cater to your specific needs and objectives. It provides tailored hourly sessions, digital resources for continuous learning, and exclusive access to webinars and masterclasses. This comprehensive approach guarantees that you have all the necessary tools and support for sustainable personal growth and profound transformation. Immerse yourself in a journey focused on your life, ensuring long-lasting empowerment, not just temporary changes.

Ready to Create Lasting Change? Start with a Discovery Call or Life Scorecard

Don't let this opportunity slip away! Register now for a free assessment and life scorecard tailored to uncover your unique strengths and areas needing development. Embark on the path to a more enriching life. Schedule a free call to discuss your goals and learn how our coaching can help you make significant changes in your life. Begin your transformative journey today!

Aspiration to Reality: Rewire Your
Mind for Success in 12 Weeks

Quality Mind's transformational coaching is meticulously created to set you on the path to success from day one. We start by establishing a strong foundation, addressing barriers like rigid thinking patterns to lack of self-trust with our interactive app. Over 12 weeks, you’ll learn neuroscience-backed methods and a personalised transformative plan. Further, this plan will unleash your inner wisdom and intuition for profound mindset shifts capable of radical change. Regular assessments and a supportive community ensure continuous progress and significant achievements.

Book Your FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call Today!

Initially, we laid a robust foundation, tackling any initial barriers through our engaging and interactive app. In this consultation, you’ll learn to embrace the beauty of personal transformation. Our transformational coaching program can support and find meaning after major life and career transitions. It's a no-obligation opportunity.


During the consultation, we emphasise the importance of open dialogue. In 12 weeks, you will learn neuroscience-based methods and get personalised strategies to change your rigid thinking mindset for long-lasting results. We ensure you feel heard and unleash your inner wisdom and intuition.


Now, joining our program is simple. We'll guide you through the enrolment process. You can expect top-notch online programs and a state-of-the-art app. Our transformational program is accessible to all ages and extremely affordable.

Frequently Asked Questions

During a coaching session, you can expect a focused dialogue where your coach will help you identify goals, overcome obstacles, and develop personal growth strategies. Each session is tailored to your specific needs, offering a supportive environment to explore solutions and track your progress.

The duration of a coaching program can vary depending on your personal goals and needs. Most programs range from a few months to a year. Each session typically lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, with frequency determined by the agreed-upon coaching plan.

Coaching is beneficial for anyone looking to improve their personal or professional life. Whether you're facing career challenges, seeking better work-life balance, or wanting to enhance personal relationships, coaching can provide the tools and support needed for success.

Coaching is focused on setting and achieving goals, developing potential, and making life changes, primarily looking forward. Therapy often deals with healing, resolving past issues, and improving mental health. While both aim to improve quality of life, their approaches and outcomes differ significantly.

Qualified coaches typically hold certifications from recognised coaching institutions like the International Coaching Federation (ICF). They should also have a clear coaching methodology, practical experience, and positive client testimonials or references.

Yes, coaching can effectively be conducted virtually through phone calls, video conferencing, or specialised coaching platforms. This flexibility allows individuals to choose coaches from a broader geographic area and schedule sessions more conveniently.

Brain reprogramming involves altering neural pathways in the brain to shift away from negative thoughts or behaviours and promote positive changes. Techniques such as meditation, cognitive behavioural strategies, and neurolinguistic programming are used to facilitate this transformation. Our programs are all based on neuro-science principles which we teach you.

Ready to Become
the Best Version of

Contact us today for your FREE Discovery Call and become one step closer to improved Happiness, Health, Wealth & Success!


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